Join Our Parish Family
If you would like to register in the Parish, there are several easy options. You can sign the book in the back of church; you can visit the Parish Center Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and register in person; or you can download the registration form (CENSUS) found under the tab “Join our Parish” on this website and return it to the Parish Center. Registering will ensure that you receive our monthly newsletter, The Confessor, by mail and any other mailings. For more information, call our Parish Center at 888-0703 or e-mail [email protected].
Become Catholic
If you're curious about the Catholic faith or if you've thought about becoming a Catholic, our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) process is just for you. Adults from all faith traditions, or no religious background at all, are welcome to participate in this process, which meets weekly from August through May, culminating with the Easter Vigil. To find out more, please contact the Parish Center at 888-0703 or by email [email protected].
Bring Up the Gifts During Mass
If you and your family would like to bring up the offertory gifts during the Mass, please speak to one of the ushers before Mass begins.
Contact Clergy in Case of an Emergency
During normal business hours, you may contact members of the clergy by calling the Parish Center at 888-0703. In the event of a pastoral emergency occurring when the Parish Center is closed, call the Parish Center for a recorded message that will provide an emergency number.
Make an Appointment with Clergy
Fr. Joseph, Fr. Long and the Deacons keep their own schedule of appointments. Please call 888-0703 to be connected with voicemail to leave a brief description of what you would like to discuss and they will get back in touch with you.
Place an Announcement in the Weekly Bulletin
If you would like to place an announcement in the weekly church bulletin, please send the information to the Parish Center at least ten (10) days prior to the Sunday bulletin date. You may also e-mail your request to [email protected]. All announcements are subject to the approval of the Pastor and space availability. Bulletin announcements may run for a maximum of two consecutive weeks.
Place an Article in The Confessor
Our newsletter is published every other month and mailed to all registered parishioners. All articles received are subject to the approval of the Pastor and space availability. Please contact us for the submission deadline. Articles may be emailed directly to Jackie Sofio at [email protected].
Reconnect with the Catholic Church
It happens to many Catholics at some point in their lives, drifting away from the Church. For some it's after college when they're busy and focused on their careers, for others it's a divorce, and still others feel they've been hurt by the Church. Whatever the reason, it is never too late to return to the Catholic faith.
Several times each year, the Evangelization Committee at St. Edward the Confessor offers a program entitled, “Catholics Returning Home,” a six-week program intended to give inactive Catholics an understanding of today’s Church and enable them to meet others who, like themselves, are contemplating returning to their religious roots. Please contact the Parish Center for the date this series will begin.
Another possibility to consider is calling one of the St. Edward the Confessor clergy for an informal, confidential and strictly non-judgmental conversation. You might be surprised at how easy it is and how much better you'll feel. No matter the reason, you are welcome to explore the ways you might return to a life full of the beauty, mystery, a personal relationships with Christ and sacraments of the Church.
Request a Mass Intention
If you wish to honor a loved one during the celebration of Mass, please visit the Parish Center. A $5 donation is requested for each Mass Intention. Cards may be sent notifying the person or family members of the Mass dates.
Request Contribution Envelopes
If you would like to make regular contributions to St. Edward the Confessor Church, you may contact the Parish Center (888-0703) to request monthly envelopes.
Reserve a Room for a Ministry Meeting
Our Ministries use rooms in the Parish Center to host their monthly meetings. If your ministry needs to reserve a room, a Schedule Form must be completed in the Parish Center. Reservations are subject to approval and space availability.
Volunteer in the Parish
It is important that we all share our God-given gifts and talents with our parish family. If you want to know more about volunteer possibilities at St. Edward the Confessor, visit our Ministries section under the tab, Parish, or call the Parish Center at 888-0703.