Altar Servers
Boys and girls in fourth grade through high school form teams and are trained to assist at Parish liturgies.
Altar Society
Volunteers meet on Monday and Saturdays to keep the church clean and orderly and to care for altar cloths, plants, etc.
Care and Bereavement Ministry
This ministry provides support to families in their time of loss.
Catholics Returning Home
A program conducted three times each year to reorient and welcome back inactive Catholics.
Children's Liturgy
A very special time for our young children (ages 3 - 7) to learn God's Word provided at the 10:00am Mass on Sunday. The children are called and sent forth at the Liturgy of the Word so that the Sunday Gospel can be read and explained to them at a level appropriate for their age.
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00am until 10:00pm.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Men and women of the parish who assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at daily and weekend Masses as well as to sick and home-bound parishioners who are unable to regularly attend Mass.
Family Life Committee
A committee that promotes family fellowship while fostering love, unity and spiritual growth; dedicated to enriching family life and building a vibrant community grounded in Catholic values and service.
Finance Council
The Finance Council advises the Pastor on finance, parish plant maintenance, salaries, future plans, etc.
Home Communion
Weekly visits are made to persons confined to home and unable to attend Mass. Sacrament of the Sick is available for all who are seriously ill. Please call the Parish Office to request this service.
Hour of Intercession
Parishioners meet at 9:30 A.M. in church on the second Wednesday of the month to pray for priests, deacons, religious and vocations.
Lay Carmelites (Third Order Carmelites)
Adult Catholics living the Carmelite charisms of Contemplation, Community and Service as a way of life while being formed through study about the Carmelite Order, spirituality and saints.
Men and women of the parish who proclaim the Word of the Lord at daily and Sunday Masses.
Liturgy Committee
A committee formed to provide the vision, planning, art, and environment for all parish liturgies.
Marriage Enrichment
This group supports couples in their vocation of marriage in order to strengthen family life.
Marriage Preparation
Engaged couples can fulfill their Archdiocesan requirements for marriage by working with a sponsor couple in this program
Meal Ministry
Ladies Council members provide meals for individuals or families in the parish whose lives are disrupted due to hospitalization, major illness, or death.
Music Ministry
Men and women of the parish are given the opportunity to participate in daily or weekend liturgies through vocal or instrumental music in our Parish Choir.
Offertory Gifts
Families or individuals may volunteer to bring up the offertory gifts at each of the weekend Masses.
Parish School of Religion
PSR consists of religious education classes for children in 1st - 11th grade who are not enrolled at a Catholic school. Youth are expected to complete at least two consecutive years of formal Catholic religious education immediately prior to receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion and, later, immediately prior to receiving the sacrament of Confirmation.
Pastoral Council
Members are appointed to this council to promote the spiritual and pastoral care of the parish through programs, committees, etc.
Praise and Mercy
The Ministry of Praise and Mercy is to establish a body of parishioners who volunteer to pray on a regular basis for the needs of our parish, our diocese, our country, and our world. This ministry accepts anyone who wishes to be a part of this body, but a special invitation is extended to members of our parish who, because of a physical infirmity, are not able to fully participate in the other ministries of the parish.
Prayer Line
This group of parishioners networks to pray for the needs called in by parishioners.
Prayer & Presence
This ministry is volunteers providing prayer and presence at a local nursing home visiting and praying with elderly residents.
Respect Life
This program encourages and supports life from conception to death and is available to all ages and levels.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) & for Children (OCIC)
The Order of Christian Initiation is designed for individuals, both adults and children who are in the third grade or older, who are not yet baptized and who wish to become Catholic; individuals baptized in another Christian tradition who wish to become Catholic; baptized Catholics who have not received First Eucharist; and baptized Catholic adults who have not received Confirmation.
Sacred Heart Enthronement
Devotion to the Sacred Heart is based on a series of apparitions received by St. Margaret Mary in 17th Century France. The practice of Enthronement to the Sacred Heart is a recent development building on this centuries old established devotion.
Welcoming Committee
We welcome and invite new parishioners to STEAM's monthly coffee and donut social. A "welcome packet" is mailed to all new parishioners.